Tags AboutAbout Ipsum Creative August 16, 2014 Circus September 1, 2014 Cake September 27, 2015 Lorem Ninja April 8, 2014 Cake September 27, 2015 Github October 20, 2017 Portfolio Cake September 27, 2015 Github October 20, 2017 backend O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 bug O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 debconf DebCamp18: Reporting my experience and technical work of my first DebCamp August 2, 2018 Plans for DebCamp and DebConf 18 July 19, 2018 debian DebCamp18: Reporting my experience and technical work of my first DebCamp August 2, 2018 Plans for DebCamp and DebConf 18 July 19, 2018 GSoC Status Update - First Month June 19, 2018 Google Summer of Code 2018 May 9, 2018 design O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 distro-tracker DebCamp18: Reporting my experience and technical work of my first DebCamp August 2, 2018 Plans for DebCamp and DebConf 18 July 19, 2018 GSoC Status Update - First Month June 19, 2018 drink water Os benefícios da rotina de "Beber água e ir ao banheiro" February 2, 2020 The benefits of the "drink water and pee" routine February 2, 2020 dry Nota Rápida #1 - Inicializar objetos em Ruby passando argumentos nomeados com um Hash April 15, 2019 Quick Note #1 - Initialize Ruby objects passing named arguments with a Hash April 15, 2019 emberjs O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 floss DebCamp18: Reporting my experience and technical work of my first DebCamp August 2, 2018 Plans for DebCamp and DebConf 18 July 19, 2018 GSoC Status Update - First Month June 19, 2018 Google Summer of Code 2018 May 9, 2018 frontend O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 gsoc DebCamp18: Reporting my experience and technical work of my first DebCamp August 2, 2018 Plans for DebCamp and DebConf 18 July 19, 2018 GSoC Status Update - First Month June 19, 2018 Google Summer of Code 2018 May 9, 2018 habit Os benefícios da rotina de "Beber água e ir ao banheiro" February 2, 2020 The benefits of the "drink water and pee" routine February 2, 2020 health Os benefícios da rotina de "Beber água e ir ao banheiro" February 2, 2020 The benefits of the "drink water and pee" routine February 2, 2020 i18n Criando um blog em Jekyll multilíngue com separação de conteúdo, paginação e feeds July 21, 2019 javascript O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 jekyll Criando um blog em Jekyll multilíngue com separação de conteúdo, paginação e feeds July 21, 2019 poro Nota Rápida #1 - Inicializar objetos em Ruby passando argumentos nomeados com um Hash April 15, 2019 Quick Note #1 - Initialize Ruby objects passing named arguments with a Hash April 15, 2019 productivity Os benefícios da rotina de "Beber água e ir ao banheiro" February 2, 2020 The benefits of the "drink water and pee" routine February 2, 2020 quick tip Nota Rápida #1 - Inicializar objetos em Ruby passando argumentos nomeados com um Hash April 15, 2019 Quick Note #1 - Initialize Ruby objects passing named arguments with a Hash April 15, 2019 rails O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 ruby O Bug do Bolsonaro - O fim do horário de verão pode afetar seu sistema November 17, 2019 The Bolsonaro's Bug - The end of Daylight Saving Time in Brazil may affect your system November 17, 2019 Criando um blog em Jekyll multilíngue com separação de conteúdo, paginação e feeds July 21, 2019 Nota Rápida #1 - Inicializar objetos em Ruby passando argumentos nomeados com um Hash April 15, 2019 Quick Note #1 - Initialize Ruby objects passing named arguments with a Hash April 15, 2019 time management Os benefícios da rotina de "Beber água e ir ao banheiro" February 2, 2020 The benefits of the "drink water and pee" routine February 2, 2020 trip DebCamp18: Reporting my experience and technical work of my first DebCamp August 2, 2018 Plans for DebCamp and DebConf 18 July 19, 2018 writing Criando um blog em Jekyll multilíngue com separação de conteúdo, paginação e feeds July 21, 2019